Monday, November 17, 2008

Louis XVI and the Clergy

The successes of King Louis XVI foreign and domestic policies were not of the best. At the beginning of his reign he wanted everyone to convert back to Catholicism. Which some agreed to doing as he paid them off. But, others were forced because of the next step he took which was sending troops into their homes and forcing them to convert back.

Louis XVI and the Clergy

King Louis XVI success of foreign and domestic policies were not of the best. When he came into power he stated off by forcing Protestants to convert back to Catholicism. Which many believers did not agree with. But he did try to offer money to those who would convert without giving problems. But, he thought it was necessary to send troops to those homes that did not follow along with his wishes and forcibly took control of converting them.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thirty Year's War

Tensions between the Catholics and Reformers of the church was the main cause of the war. Because of the growing religious tensions throughout the Roman Empire they caused people to disagree and argue. New denominations of Christianity were beginning to be formed caused people were starting to think in depth about who they were being led by. Effects of the war were economic problems and a decline in population along with longterm political consequences for the empire.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Anabaptists

Anabaptists were also known as rebaptizers because they would reject baptizing infants. But, also they were known as radicals which meant they took biblical commands more literally than the mainline reformers. Which explained why they wouldn't baptize infants because they considered it unbiblical. Also they would not take civil oaths or hold public office to do so meant to compromise with unreformed civil society. It impacted European history not only dealing with the religion aspect but also with the society and the customs people were used to. It changed the way alot of people looked at their beliefs and religion. I'm sure it made some question what they had put all their faith in for so long.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Christopher Columbus was a villain.

I believe Christopher Columbus was a villain during his exploration days. He invaded lands that had already been discovered by others and he had asked for help from a lot of people. Some including royal support from King John II. Columbus along with other explorers during the period used some of the new technology that had not long been invented to explore the new lands. Such as the fly compass, and the astrolabe. But another important reason why Columbus started to explore new lands was because of fame. He had two goals open trade routes for Spain and bringing the word of Jesus Christ to the non-christians he expected to meet. His success of discovering new lands opened the doors for Spain to conquer America. The natives that inhabited the Americas at the time were caught unexpected from the invasion and the land was easily taken over by the explorers which included Christopher Columbus.
Christopher Columbus was a hero in some people's view but in others such as mine he was a villain. That not only invaded lands and took them over that had already been discovered by others he explored for fame and fortune. Which he recieved and well he is known to this day as one of the greatest explorers ever recorded in history.